Busitalia Veneto S.p.A. is the company working in the Veneto region providing urban and extra-urban services in the provinces of Padova and Rovigo, services that were previously provided by Busitalia Sita Nord and APS Mobilità.
The company was established on January 20th, 2015 and since May 1st, 2015 it manages the public transport service in a unified manner with the aim of improving the offer for Customers.
From July 2020, the corporate composition is the following: 78.9% of Busitalia Sita Nord, a company of Gruppo FS Italiane, and 21.1% of APS Holding.
The company has about 930 employees, 650 buses and 18 trams and runs over 27 million km.
Busitalia Veneto S.p.A. - Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
Company under management and coordination by Trenitalia S.p.A.
Registered Office: Via del Pescarotto 25/27 – 35131 Padova
Company Capital Euro 20.500.000,00 entirely paid out
Tax Code and VAT Number 04874020284
Busitalia Veneto adheres to Gruppo FS Italiane's system of Ethics, compliance and integrity.
Busitalia Veneto adheres to the Group Policy about Environment, Quality and Safety.