Respect for norms, attention to the rules of coexistence between passengers, collaboration between customers and traveling staff, care for communication and information are important behaviors in order to guarantee a quality service. Below is a summary of the rules that regulate the use of public transport, the rights of travelers and the behavior of passengers that can make everyone's journey easier.
1. Scope of application
2. Transport contract and obligation
3. Information channels
4. Routes and service times
5. Admission to the service
6. Tickets
7. Purchase of tickets
8. Deterioration or loss of tickets
9. Rules for the use of services
10. Passenger obligations and responsibilities
11. Passenger rights
12. Refunds and compensations
13. Lost objects
14. Jurisdiction
15. Intellectual property rights
16. Other relevant provisions
17. Personal data protection
18. Referral to legislation
The Passenger Transport Conditions constitute the set of rules to be followed by passengers, users of transport services and their rights, as provided for in EU Regulation No. 181/2001.
These Passenger Transport Conditions (hereinafter the Transport Conditions) apply to passenger transport services carried out in the free market/authorised by Busitalia-Sita Nord S.r.l. or its Subsidiary, hereinafter the Company.
If the service is provided by Busitalia or its Subsidiary under the Local Public Transport regime, the specific Transport Conditions apply.
An extract of the Transport Conditions is available on the vehicles.
1.1. The general principles of the transport conditions
The Transport Conditions are drawn up in accordance with current legislation on passenger rights.
In addition, the Transport Conditions are inspired by general principles, as well as rules of coexistence and cooperation between people that are essential behaviours to ensure a quality and inclusive service for the community.
The general principles:
1.2. Geographic area of application
The following Transport Conditions apply to the services offered by the Company in the free market/authorised regime in Italy.
With the Transport Contract, the Company undertakes to transfer persons from one place to another for a consideration.
The ticket shall be considered as proof, until proven otherwise, of the establishment and content of the Transport Contract. The absence, irregularity or loss of a ticket does not exempt the passenger from full compliance with the Transport Conditions.
The services offered by the Company, which are the subject of each contract, and the related contractual relationship are governed by these Transport Conditions, by Italian law and by the law of the European Union, if and to the extent applicable in Italy.
The Company guarantees information through at least the following channels:
The Company regularly updates information on the service. Any changes to the timetable are published on the information channels available to customers. Travel times and, consequently, arrival times, as stated and disseminated, may be subject to variations, related to possible alterations in the road network.
Changes to timetables that occur after the ticket has been purchased and for which the company is not responsible (e.g. long-term consequences of natural disasters or construction sites) do not entitle the passenger to a refund.
The right to transport exists to the extent that a transport contract has been established, through the purchase of a ticket.
The purchase of a ticket entitles the passenger to travel from the indicated point of departure to the indicated point of arrival. Subsequent boarding or early disembarkation of passengers is prohibited by law.
In the case of a purchase made on-board the vehicle, the transport obligation only exists if sufficient seats are available for the route in question.
The travel document is personal, non-transferable and must be shown if requested by appointed personnel.
The journey is deemed to be completed after the vehicle is left, at the destination stop indicated on the ticket.
The transport contract established with the Company in accordance with the Transport Conditions, for the use of transport services, is represented by the ticket. When purchasing the ticket, the passenger undertakes to comply with the provisions contained in these conditions. The ticket may be in tangible form (e.g. paper, plastic) or intangible/digital (e.g. pdf file, ticketless, QR Code). Passengers accepted for transport must be in possession of a valid ticket for the service, including the day and time, where applicable. The ticket shall be considered as proof, until proven otherwise, of the establishment and content of the Transport Contract.
For information on available tickets and promotions, please refer to the dedicated page on the website.
7.1. General standards
Passengers are required to purchase a ticket before boarding the vehicles:
The authorised sales channels are published on the portal, in the dedicated section.
Each ticket sold entitles the customer to a seat; in the absence of other indications on the ticket, the customer may sit in any of the free seats.
Passengers with children and persons with reduced mobility have priority when choosing their seat on board.
7.2. Online ticket purchase through (Orio al Serio Airlink)
At the time a ticket is purchased, the buyer must immediately check the accuracy of the data given. The Company shall not be liable for any errors attributable to the customer and relating to the travel data or the passenger's personal data found on a properly issued ticket, which therefore cannot be refunded for this reason.
A dedicated procedure to check the status of ticket issuing, at the following link.
7.3. On-board ticket purchase from the driver/personnel
On-board sales are carried out by the driver/personnel; these are subject to limitations dictated by the requirements of safety, regularity of the service and availability of seats, and are therefore of an ancillary nature.
A ticket is sold on-board directly by the driver/personnel with the following restrictions:
a) Travellers wishing to purchase a ticket on-board must make this request before boarding, arriving at least 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
b) For Orio al Serio Airlink service, payment can be made solely by credit or debit card using the authorised circuits; payment in cash is not permitted.
c) The company may order the suspension, of on-board sales, also indefinitely, to implement regulations to protect health, giving appropriate notice to the public.
7.4. Invoices
Any requests for invoices or tax documentation relating to the ticket itself may be made by the buyer, within the calendar month in which the ticket was issued, using the company’s e-mail: The invoice is issued by the Company operating the service concerned and is sent in digital format to the address provided.
In any case, the ticket provided to the customer serves as a receipt.
7.5. Renouncing travel on (Orio al Serio Airlink)
In the case of a single ticket purchase on, cancellation of the journey is always permitted 2 minutes prior the departure time indicated on the ticket; the request can only be made on and entitles the purchaser to a voucher of equal value that can be spent on the online channel.
In the case of the purchase of a return trip, partial cancellation of the trip (either the outward or the return leg) is permitted.
In the case of a cumulative ticket purchase, it is necessary for the entire passenger group to renounce travel, prior to the departure time indicated on the ticket; a single voucher of equal value is issued.
The voucher is impersonal and is valid until the expiry date indicated on the same.
For purchases made on other channels, the specific rules of the channel used apply.
Tickets purchased on board or at FLIBCO reseller are non-refundable.
In the event of loss, theft, destruction or deterioration of the ticket, and in any case when the passenger is unable to show the ticket or any valid identity document by means of which the correspondence between passenger and ticket holder can be verified, the passenger must purchase a new ticket to use the transport, at the price established for purchase made on-board from the driver/personnel.
9.1. Access to the service
Boarding and disembarkation is only allowed at the spaces identified as stopping points. It is forbidden to ask the driver/on-board personnel get off/on outside the spaces as vehicle stops along the route. At the bus stop, it is not permitted to approach the bus before it is stationary and before the boarding door is fully open.
It is not permitted to get in or out of vehicles when they are not fully stopped.
It is forbidden to lean against the boarding/disembarkation doors or to crowd around them, impeding the normal flow of travellers and compromising safety conditions.
9.2. Transport of children
On buses, children up to 4 years of age, accompanied by a paying adult, travel for free. Children between 4 and 12 years old are entitled to the reduced rate, if applicable. Those accompanying more than one child must purchase one ticket for every two children.
Children/youths under the age of 14 must travel accompanied by a parent or guardian; if a child travels accompanied by an adult other than a parent or guardian, they must be given express written authorisation, attached to the ticket.
Persons between 14 and 18 years of age may travel alone, provided their parent(s) or guardian(s) sign a written authorisation. Children aged between 0 and 4 years and under may only travel in approved child seats, which must be secured using the seat belts on the vehicle. It will be the responsibility of the parent, or guardian, to bring the seat on board the vehicle and ensure that the child travels safely. The Company will not be held responsible for the suitability and compliance with the car seat law with respect to child car seats brought by accompanying persons.
On the other hand, children over three years of age must only be transported using approved restraint systems if their use is compatible with their height (Art. 172, para. 6 of the Italian Highway Code).
If the bus is not equipped with approved restraint systems, minors must be transported using standard seat belts, only if compatible with their height. This provision only applies to children weighing less than 36 kg.
In the event of non-compliance with these requirements, the person responsible for supervising the child in the vehicle is liable.
The Company assumes no obligation to supervise minors.
9.3. Pram transport
Prams and buggies may be transported free of charge, as long as they are closed and folded. Prams may not occupy seats or constitute an obstruction and/or danger to other passengers and must be placed in the hold compartment.
Transport of non-folding prams/buggies is not guaranteed.
Prams and buggies must in any case comply with the regulations for luggage transport.
9.4. Animal transport
9.4.1. Custody and responsibility
The transport of animals constitutes an ancillary service to the transport contract established with the passenger.
The transport of service dogs, even if accompanied by other persons, is always permitted free of charge on all categories of buses in service. A service dog is a dog that has been individually trained in an authorised centre and is capable of performing tasks in support of persons with motor, visual and hearing, intellectual/relational, psychiatric impairment or other comparable medical conditions, accompanying them and to whom they are permanently linked.
9.4.2. Free transport of small animals in an appropriate container
Passengers may carry a small dog, a cat and other small pets free of charge in an appropriate container of dimensions not to exceed 70x30x50 cm, as long as they do not occupy a seat.
9.4.3. Dog transport for a fee
Passengers are required to purchase a ticket for the transport of a medium-sized dog (with the exception of those mentioned in the previous point and service dogs), provided a reservation is made, to be communicated to the company at least three days prior to the scheduled date of travel.
9.4.4. Access to vehicles
Unless specific regional regulations are in place, the transport of a dog (with the exception of those kept in a container) is only permitted if it is properly muzzled and leashed. A certificate of registration with the dog registry office and a health booklet or, for foreign passengers, a passport in lieu of both documents are required for the transport of dogs (even if they are kept in the specific carriers). This documentation must be produced if requested by staff. For service dogs, only the possession of a training certificate is required, in which the dog centre/institution of reference certifies on letterhead (or with a legible stamp) that it is a service dog, which must be shown if requested by staff, while guide dogs for visually impaired passengers do not require any certification.
The passenger is responsible for the supervision of the dog they bring, and is exclusively liable for any damage caused by the dog.
9.5. Transport of luggage or hand luggage
Transport of luggage constitutes an ancillary service to the transport contract established with the passenger.
On board, each paying traveller is allowed to carry one piece of hand luggage free of charge, without occupying a seat and arranged in such a way as to not obstruct passage or cause a disturbance, with a maximum size of 105 cm (the sum of length, width and depth) or 50x30x25 cm and a total weight not exceeding 10 kg, and one piece of hold luggage with a maximum size of 80x50x30 cm and a total weight not exceeding 20 kg.
Both suitcases and bags are considered luggage.
On Orio al Serio Airlink service, for any additional luggage or for luggage that exceeds the permitted dimensions, an 'Additional Luggage' or 'Special Luggage' supplement must be purchased.
Passengers are asked to mark their luggage with their name and address, to enable it to be correctly assigned and returned, and in particular to prevent it being confused with the luggage of others.
Excessively bulky items or items containing foul-smelling, noxious or dangerous substances (such as explosive and inflammable substances and objects, spontaneously inflammable, toxic, infectious, radioactive and corrosive substances and objects) will not be transported. Substances and items packaged for retail sale and intended for personal and/or domestic use, for health needs or for sports or leisure activities may also be considered as luggage. The Company is not liable for theft, tampering, deterioration or total or partial loss of the items carried; it is also not liable for luggage that is forgotten, lost or left unattended by the traveller on the bus or for luggage mix-ups between passengers.
The transport of unaccompanied packages is not permitted.
Baggage transport may be refused, at the sole discretion of the Company's staff, for non-compliance with the above obligations.
9.5.1. Hand luggage
Hand luggage (Section 9.5.) is carried free of charge, provided it is placed in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of the assigned or reserved seat.
The hand luggage and its contents remain in the custody of the customer for the duration of the trip.
9.5.2. Additional luggage
The additional luggage has a maximum size of 80x50x30 and a total weight not exceeding 20 kg. The possibility of transport is subject to limitations depending on the route, time and channel of purchase.
9.5.3. Special baggage
Special baggage is a package with a maximum size (height in cm + width in cm + depth in cm) not exceeding 240 cm and a maximum weight not exceeding 30 kg. The possibility of transport is subject to limitations depending on the route, time and channel of purchase. Transport of special baggage is, in any case, limited to one item per paying customer.
9.5.4. Musical instruments
Musical instruments are considered special baggage. In the event that the instrument in question (including the case) is smaller than the maximum dimensions for hand baggage, it may be carried free of charge in its place. If the instrument in question (including the case) is larger than the maximum dimensions for hand luggage, it must be carried in the baggage compartment. Musical instruments and the relative cases which exceed 135x48x35 cm will not be transported.
It is recommended that musical instruments be placed in hard cases.
9.5.5. Valuables and electronic equipment
Valuables such as cash, jewellery, precious metals, keys, sunglasses and/or eyeglasses, electronic devices, electronic cigarettes, contact lenses, prostheses, medication, important documents (e.g. diploma certificates, other certificates, access credentials, passports, driving licences, credit cards) and fragile items must be carried in hand luggage and are understood to be in the passenger’s custody.
If the passenger chooses to transport such items in checked baggage, it will be under his or her exclusive responsibility. Cases of malice or gross negligence are excluded from this provision.
9.6. Transport of bicycles and micro-mobility devices
Folding bicycles may be carried on all vehicles, placed in special bags and loaded into the luggage compartment. A folding bicycle is comparable to special baggage and it is therefore necessary to purchase the corresponding supplement at the same time as the ticket.
The transport of standard-sized, non-folding bicycles is only permitted on certain routes and subject to availability, purchasing a specific 'bicycle ticket' to be indicated when the travel solution is searched for. Transport is carried out with bicycle carriers.
Electric bicycles, electric scooters or other battery-powered micro-mobility devices are not permitted.
Passengers are required to observe the following rules of conduct during the journey:
In addition, the following behavioural rules are required on-board and at the facilities:
The Company rejects all liability for the consequences of non-compliance with the above rules. The customer or their guardian is also liable to the Company for any damage caused.
The Company may terminate the transport contract in advance and without notice if the passenger, after a verbal warning, engages in conduct that causes such a disturbance that continuation of the journey is unacceptable to the driver/on-board personnel and/or other passengers. This also applies if the customer fails to comply with objectively justified instructions, such as safety warnings. In this case, the Company is authorised to retain the cost of the ticket.
In the event of a rest period, stop or police check, passengers must leave the vehicle at the request of the driver/on-board staff. In the event of a rest period, the passenger is obliged to observe the duration of the rest period indicated by the driver/traveller. The driver is authorised to continue the journey in the event that the passenger has not returned to the vehicle after the end of the specified rest period and is not liable for the passenger's absence after the end of the rest period.
Regulation (EU) No. 181/2011 of 16 February 2011 establishes the rights of passengers utilising bus and coach transport.
In the case of national and international regular services, for which the point of embarkation or disembarkation is situated in the territory of a Member State, link is provided.
The national body responsible for the application of the aforementioned Regulation is the Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti - Via Nizza 230, 10126 Turin (
11.1. Complaints
The company, as an operator of bus transport services, has set up a procedure for handling customer complaints, with dedicated channels and offices.
Customers may submit complaints, in Italian or in English, within three months from the date on which the regular service was provided or should have been provided; the Company undertakes to provide an appropriate response within 30 days of the date of receipt of the complaint, indicating, if possible, whether the complaint has been accepted, rejected or is still under consideration; even for particularly complex cases, the time required to provide a definitive response shall not exceed 90 days for bus services.
The dedicated form is available online to submit complaints and can be accessed from the dedicated page, which automatically forwards it to the company.
The Complaints form can also be downloaded in PDF format and can be sent to the Company's postal addresses by registered mail or by certified electronic mail (PEC).
To be considered, complaints must contain at least:
In the event nor response is received or if the response is deemed unsatisfactory, the Customer may:
A. use out-of-court dispute resolution procedures;
B. file a complaint with the Transport Regulation Authority;
C. appeal to the competent judicial authority.
A. Out-of-court dispute resolution procedures
To begin a conciliation procedure aimed at resolving a dispute with the Company, the customer may file a special application, also through consumer associations:
(a) with the ART Conciliation Service;
(b) the Conciliation Chambers established within the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, subject to the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Authority and Unioncamere;
(c) ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) bodies, including approved negotiation bodies, registered in the list referred to in Article 141-decies (1) of the Consumer Code.
B. Complaint to the Transport Regulation Authority
Only after filing a complaint with Busitalia and in the event that:
· the answer received is not satisfactory;
· or, 90 days have already elapsed, without a reply from Busitalia, from the date on which the complaint regarding bus services was submitted;
The traveller may also forward their complaint to the Transport Regulation Authority - directly or through a delegate, including representative associations - for the purpose of establishing a possible violation of Regulation (EU) no. 181/2011 concerning bus and coach services.
It can be forwarded using the methods and solely for the reasons established and governed by the same Authority.
C. Appeal to the competent judicial authority
When appealing to judicial authorities, the customer must file a case with the Justice of the Peace or the competent Court in terms of value and geographical territory, in accordance with the procedures provided for by the legislation in force, after having carried out the obligatory attempt at conciliation.
11.2. Strikes
In accordance with the provisions of Law 146/1990 as amended by Law 83/2000, the Company shall provide timely notice of planned strikes. In line with the aforementioned law, in the event of a strike, the provision of indispensable services to ensure the enjoyment of the constitutionally protected rights of the individual, as better indicated in Article 1, paragraph 2 of Law 83/2000, is in any case guaranteed, with a minimum notice period of not less than five days and with an indication of the duration of abstention from work. In the event of a strike, all services departing from the place of origin are in any case guaranteed during the guarantee periods, communicated with appropriate notices.
11.3. Accessibility
The Company offers its services to all citizens by ensuring equal treatment and supports accessibility to the transport services provided for all citizens with disabilities and/or reduced mobility.
The Company guarantees people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility the assistance services falling within the scope of the carrier's responsibility, in accordance with Annex I A and B of Regulation (EU) 181/2011.
During the journey, passengers must facilitate elderly persons and persons with mobility difficulties.
The customer care service provides all the information about services and access conditions for persons with disabilities and reduced mobility.
A passenger with reduced mobility must inform the customer service department by telephone or by filling the dedicated form of his or her transport needs, stating the desired date and time of travel, the configuration of the wheelchair or other walking aid, and the presence of any accompanying persons. This notification must be made at least 7 calendar days prior to the start of the trip. After confirmation of the trip, the PRM customer can purchase their ticket online by selecting the trip agreed upon with the customer service.
11.3.1. Companions for people with disabilities
An accompanying person travels free of charge if the need for continuous accompaniment is established. This is demonstrated by showing the relevant document at the start of the journey, stating the need for continuous accompaniment.
11.3.2. Bus stops/stations
The Company does not control the conditions of the infrastructure at the stops and stations served and, consequently, of access for people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility. No guarantees can be made in this respect. The responsibility in this case lies with the station operator on duty.
11.3.3. Denial of transport
Should it be physically impossible, due to the configuration of the vehicle or infrastructure, including stations and stops, for the person with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, disembark or be transported, the Company reserves the right not to accept the reservation, to not issue or otherwise provide the ticket and to not allow the person in question to board the bus. In this case, the person concerned is informed of all other acceptable alternative means of transport using the services offered by the Company.
The passenger in question will be informed immediately of the reasons for denial of transport and, upon request, in writing, within five working days of receipt of the request.
For routes longer than 250 km, if the transport of a person with disabilities and/or reduced mobility has been verified, a ticket has been issued and that passenger has nevertheless been denied transport, the passenger and any accompanying person may choose from the following options:
a. reimbursement of the ticket price and, as soon as possible, free return travel to the initial place of departure as stated on the ticket;
b. where feasible, continuation of the trip or journey with a modified route by means of an adequate alternative transport service, to the destination indicated on the ticket.
11.3.4. Transport of wheelchairs or walking aids
People with disabilities or reduced mobility are entitled to free transport of their folding wheelchair or walking aids in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. For safety reasons, wheelchairs must be foldable and non-electric.
Wheelchairs which will remain in the passenger compartment, regardless of the date of manufacture, must also have safety fastening points in accordance with the regulations in force.
In order to verify the possibility of transport, the passenger must notify the customer service department by telephone of the exact configuration of the wheelchair or other walking aid prior to booking and at least 7 days prior to the start of the journey.
Wheelchair transport may be denied if sufficient evidence shows that safe transport may not be possible or doubtful. The company disclaims all liability for damage attributable to deficient technical conditions of the wheelchair.
11.4. Service Charter
The Service Charter is the document through which the Company makes commitments to its customers regarding the services offered, how they are provided, its quality standards and also informs them of the protection arrangements in place.
12.1. Reimbursement for travel cancellation
In the event that the customer cancels the trip before 2 minutes the scheduled departure time, the company will issue a travel cancellation voucher in his or her favour.
Cancellation vouchers can be redeemed prior to the expiry date to purchase:
Cancellation vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash or otherwise redeemed by the passenger.
Cancellation vouchers cannot be combined with each other or with different types of vouchers and/or offers.
The conditions of use, reimbursement and exchange provided for the type of services purchased shall apply to transport and/or ancillary services purchased via a cancellation voucher.
Use of a given voucher by a person who appears to be its legitimate owner shall have the effect of releasing the Company, even with respect to an individual who is later found to be the actual owner, provided the Company has acted in good faith.
The Mall by Bus tickets are non-refundable, but date or time changes are allowed without additional charges within one hour before the departure of the first journey. In any case, within the same day it is possible to take any other journey of the The Mall by Bus service without additional charges and giving up priority boarding.
12.2. Reimbursement for inefficiency
Should the journey booked by the passenger be cancelled or delayed at departure by more than one hundred and twenty minutes, for reasons directly attributable to to the company's responsibility, the passenger may choose between:
1. the continuation of the trip, using one of the subsequent journeys;
2. in case of purchase via online channel (Orio al Serio Airlink), a trip cancellation voucher, to be requested by e-mail, with the possibility of purchasing a new trip in the manner described in the dedicated section;
3. reimbursement in cash, in the same manner in which payment was made.
The Company cannot be held responsible for delays resulting from accidents, traffic, severe or exceptional weather conditions, as well as other causes of force majeure not dependent on the company's actions, which may prevent the normal performance of services, nor compensation for any damage suffered as not attributable to the Company.
12.3. Compensation for failure or delay in responding to a complaint
Pursuant to ART Resolution 28/2021, in the event of a delay in response, the customer is entitled to receive automatic compensation commensurate with the price of the ticket for the transport service, of no less than:
In all cases, compensation is not due if:
· the customer has already received compensation for failure or delay in responding to a complaint concerning the same journey.
12.4. Compensation of damages for civil liability
If the passenger, while on or off the vehicles, suffers personal injury as a result of an accident that is related to the service, the Company shall be liable for it unless it proves that the accident occurred for reasons not attributable to it.
Objects and animals admitted for transport remain within the sole custody of the traveller. The Company shall be liable in the event of total or partial loss or damage during travel as a result of an accident if the consequences of the accident are the responsibility of the Company, or if the loss or damage is the fault of the Company.
In the event of total or partial loss of or damage to mobility equipment or other specific equipment for people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility or of injury to assistance dogs used by people with disabilities and/or reduced mobility, which is attributable to the liability of the Company, Busitalia shall provide compensation, which includes:
(a) the cost of replacing or repairing lost or damaged mobility equipment or assistance devices;
(b) the cost of replacing or treating the lost or injured assistance dog;
(c) the reasonable costs of temporary replacement of mobility equipment, assistance devices, or assistance dogs.
For liability purposes, the Company is not liable for valuables that may be contained in luggage (e.g. cash, securities, objects of art and antiques, valuables and similar items).
The Company provides insurance cover for the users of its services in cases of:
In both cases, if the damage arises from events whose causes can with certainty be attributed to the liability of the Company, the procedures provided for in the insurance cover will be followed.
Passengers who realise they have lost or forgotten an item on board vehicles can contact Busitalia Customer Care in the manner defined on the dedicated page (Support).
The service is of a commercial nature and does not replace the provisions of current legislation concerning the recovery of lost property (Civil Code Art. 927 et seq.). It will be helpful to provide the details of the journey (day, time, departure and arrival stops, PNR), the characteristics of the lost item and ticket data in order to link the request to the ticket.
Any legal action in any way related to the aforementioned Transport Conditions shall be filed or continued in the court located in the plaintiff's municipality of residence.
All intellectual property rights relating to the Company's services belong exclusively to Busitalia, which shall retain ownership thereof even after termination of the contract. The purchase of the Company's services does not grant passengers any right of use and/or licence with respect to the intellectual property relating to the Company's services.
For the purposes of this paragraph, intellectual property shall mean all present and future rights of authorship (copyright), trademarks, distinctive signs, know-how, patents, utility models, inventions, domains, designs, models and any other intellectual and/or industrial property right recognised in any international jurisdiction, including all related applications and registrations and the rights to request the same in connection with Busitalia services.
The purchase by the passenger of a transport service from the Company through the online sales channel implies automatic and full acceptance of these Transport Conditions and of the other regulations cited (including, but not limited to, the personal data protection notice and the cookie policy, which can be found on the site).
It is not permitted to use the Busitalia site for purposes other than consulting the online catalogue to purchase services. In particular, the use of automated systems to extract data from the Busitalia site for commercial use ('Screen Scraping') is prohibited. The Company reserves the right to take action to prosecute any violations.
The processing of the personal data acquired is carried out in compliance with EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended, on the protection of personal data.
The purposes and methods of the processing are set out in the specific privacy policy, which passengers can view in the 'Data Protection' section.
For matters not expressly provided for in these General Transport Conditions, reference is made to the EU, national, regional and local regulations currently in force and where applicable.