SAVIT S.r.l. is a subsidiary Company under management by Busitalia, which owns 100 % of it. The company was set up on September 25, 2000, on an initiative by ATC Terni Spa (Azienda Trasporti Consorziali della Provincia di Terni).
The company works with 6 workshops, 2 body shops, 1 upholstery and 1 fittings department located all over the region within premises belonging to Busitalia Sita Nord.
SAVIT s.r.l. - Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
Company with sole shareholder Busitalia Sita Nord s.r.l. subject to the management and coordination of Trenitalia S.p.A.
Company Capital Euro 1.000.000,00.
Savit adheres to Gruppo FS Italiane's system of Ethics, compliance and integrity.
Savit adheres to the Group Policy about Environment, Quality and Safety.