Busitalia and its Subsidiaries, both as a company managing bus, tram and as Bus station manager in Veneto and Umbria, has activated a procedure for handling complaints from customers, with dedicated channels and offices.

Customers can submit complaints, in Italian or English, within three months from the date on which the regular service was provided or should have been provided. The Company undertakes to provide an appropriate response within 30 days from the date on which your complaint was received, indicating whether the complaint will be accepted, denied or reviewed, if possible; in particularly complex cases, the time needed to provide a final reply will not exceed 90 days. Said times may be shorter as established by the territorial Service Contracts: for Busitalia Veneto, the response times to complaints are 10 days, instead of 30.

The dedicated "Voce del Cliente" form for submitting complaints is available online and can be reached from this page with automatic transmission to the Company.


Complaint forms and contacts

The complaint form can also be downloaded in PDF format and is available from company ticket offices or Public Relations Offices, where available. It can be delivered to the company ticket offices or to the Public Relations Offices, sent to the postal addresses of the reference company by registered mail or sent via PEC.


Strada Santa Lucia 4 - 06125 Perugia
PEC: fsbusitalia@pec.it

Umbria complaints form

Via Santi Martiri Salernitani snc (interno Stazione FS) - 84123 Salerno
PEC: busitaliacampania@pec.it

Campania complaints form

Via del Pescarotto, 25/27 - 35131 Padova
PEC: busitaliavenetospa@legalmail.it

Veneto complaints form

Viale Fratelli Rosselli, 80 - 50123 Firenze
PEC: fsbusitalia@pec.it

The Mall by Bus and Orio al Serio Airlink complaints form

Via Sant’Antonio 12/14 87064 Corigliano Rossano (CS)
Mail: clienti.simet@fsbusitaliarailservice.it
PEC: fsbusitalia@pec.it

Long distance complaints form


In order to be reviewed, complaints must at least indicate:

  • the Customer’s personal data (name, surname, address) and of any representative, in this case including the power of attorney and the Customer's personal data;
  • for travel-related complaints: the identification references of the completed or planned trip (date, time of departure, origin and destination) and, possibly, of the transport contract (code or ticket number) or a copy of the travel document;
    for complaints relating to the bus station: the identification references of the event that occurred at the bus station;
  • a description of the service inconsistency found with respect to one or more requirements defined by European or national legislation, by the general terms and conditions of transport, or by the customer service charter.

In case of non-response to the complaint, the Customer can:
A.    use extrajudicial dispute resolution procedures;
B.    lodge a complaint with the Transport Regulation Authority;
C.    submit a jurisdictional appeal before the competent Judicial Authority.

A. Extrajudicial dispute resolution procedures
To carry out a conciliation procedure, in order to resolve a dispute with the Company, the customer may submit a specific request, also through the Consumer Associations:
a)     to the ART Conciliation Service;
b)     to the  Chamber of Arbitration for Conciliation established at the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, subject to the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Authority and Unioncamere;
c)     to ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) bodies, including joint negotiation bodies, registered in the list referred to in Article 141-decies, paragraph 1, of the Consumer Code.

B. Complaint to the Transport Regulation Authority
Only after having submitted a complaint to Busitalia and in the event that:

  • the response received is not satisfactory;
  • or, if they have already passed, without a response from Busitalia, 90 days from the date of submission of the complaint for bus services;

the passenger can forward his complaint to the Transport Regulatory Authority - directly, or through its delegate, including representative associations - for the purposes of ascertaining a possible violation of Regulation (EU) no. 181/2011, relating to the bus service.

The forwarding can take place with the methods and exclusively for the reasons regulated and established by the same Authority.

C. Jurisdictional appeal before the competent Judicial Authority
However, to appeal to the judicial authorities, the customer must contact the Justice of the Peace or the Court competent in terms of value and territory, with the procedures established by current legislation.

Compensation for failure or delay in replying to a complaint

Pursuant to ART (Transport Regulation Authority) Resolution 28/2021, in the event of a delayed reply, the customer has the right to receive automatic compensation commensurate with the price of the ticket referable to the transport service to an extent not less than:

    a) 10% in the case of a reply provided between the 91st and the 120th day from complaint receipt;

    b) 20% in the case of a reply not provided by the120th day from complaint receipt.

In the case of a subscription, the amount of this compensation to be paid to the Customer if the response is provided after the deadline is equal to the percentage measure indicated in points a) and b) compared to the daily rate (total cost/days of validity) of the complete cost of the subscription.

In the case of ticket booklets, the amount of this compensation to be paid to the Customer if the response is provided after the deadline is equal to the percentage measure indicated in points a) and b) compared to the value of the single ticket (total cost/number of tickets).

In all cases, compensation is not due if:

  • the amount of the same is less than 4 Euro;
  • the complaint is not sent by the Customer in the manner, with the minimum elements and within the deadlines indicated in this Complaint paragraph.
  • the customer has already benefited from compensation for failure or delay in replying to a complaint concerning the same trip.